Your plant in Maryland is under some of the same restrictions as it would be anywhere else in the United States. Those restrictions are a reflection of environmental protection laws, which all industrial plants must follow. If you have been inspected and informed that your plant has to make upgrades to your air emissions control procedures, you have help. Air pollution control services can help you make those upgrades and meet the standards set by your most recent government inspection.
Thermal Oxidizers
Your plant’s emissions pipes are connected to the thermal oxidizers. The oxidizers heat up the emissions to create a thermal oxygen reaction, thereby destroying the harmful pollutants in your plant’s emissions. This piece of equipment does have limits where the number of air pollutants and type of air pollutants is concerned, but if your plant is one of the more common producers of these specific air pollutants, a thermal oxidizer is an excellent form of air emissions control.
Catalytic Oxidizers
Catalytic oxidizers do something similar to thermal oxidizers, but at a significantly lower temperature. This lower temperature helps reduce the consumption of energy resources and prevents work-related accidents for your employees. The downside is that you will have to purchase the catalyst fuel on a regular basis and have air pollution control services install it and regularly inspect it to maintain safety.
If you are ready to upgrade to one of these two systems, or you want to know if you have other options available to you, contact Air Clear, LLC.